This show is on the road!

Scenic Design by Steve TenEyck
Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival's Linny Fowler WillPower Educational Tour of Romeo & Juliet has hit the road, folks!
We had two and a half weeks of rehearsals, and we just completed one and a half weeks of the beginning of our tour. We've already hit schools on the outskirts of Philly, dipped into Jersey, and had our stint on the home turf of PSF: DeSales University, itself.
It's a daily grind of early mornings; load-in and load-out, holding a Q&A with each school post-show, and educational workshops, as well. A lot of obstacles to tackle when on the road, but also many rewards to be had. We've had costume pieces fall apart on Day 1, the set and our carpet are already wearing a bit, I had to take the company vehicle in for repairs already, and there are plenty of technical issues from venue to venue - and most of these things we are left to fix ourselves, since we're out and about - but when we hear the reactions of these students from the stage, it makes it all worth it. They hoot, they hollar, they boo, they cheer - They're our own personal groundlings! And to top it all off, these actors are working their tails off as teaching artists and ASMs.
Five more weeks to go on the road yet, and plenty more stories to happen, I'm sure. The time is flying by! Grateful to be apart of such a whirlwind experience and take on the rigor of this regional tour life.