The Return, On Our Terms
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about pandemonium - but not only in the obvious ways you'd imagine. This ordeal has brought to light...
Hello, 2019! // Let's talk BURNOUT
Well, well, well... it appears that 2017 was the "Year of the Blog" and 2018 was ghosted. It seems I have some catching up to do. When I...
Life Update...!
Over the course of 2017, I've lived in Iowa, New York City, Virginia, Chicago, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. First, after many, MANY video...

This show is on the road!
Scenic Design by Steve TenEyck Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival's Linny Fowler WillPower Educational Tour of Romeo & Juliet has hit the...
Dost thou Shake?
(Shakespeare, that is.) Well, I do! I'm gonna Shake all day every day until the week of Turkey Day. (Which, as a vegan, I should probably...
Altitude Sickness as a Musician
Summer is officially here, which means... I am in Colorado for Lake Dillon's summer rep season! I've been stoked about this gig since...

No Housing? No Problem.
I am an independent contractor. Sometimes this means I can stay in one place and commute to work (when it comes to in-town,...

When Colorado Knocks... You Answer
Welp... it looks like my summer is booked! I am so excited to officially announce that I will be joining the Lake Dillon Theatre Company...

Another Openin'...
Another Show! Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story is finally open at the Wohlfahrt Haus, and we are having a blast! In all honesty, we as a cast...
Everyday, it's a-gettin' closer...!
The contract is signed. I am ecstatic to announce that I am officially cast as Vi Petty in Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story at Wohlfahrt Haus...