“Simonne is an ebullient, inventive comedienne.” – Mike Schultz, River City Reader
Over the Tavern: “A Dysfunctional Family You’d Want to Join”
“Offhand, I can think of no theatrical climax this year that has been simpler, sweeter, or more subtly moving... All it consists of is actress Miranda Simonne standing center-stage, offering a beatific, tranquil smile while Judy Garland sings 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow,' yet the impact of the moment is stronger than you might be prepared for... She smiles, and you instinctively smile back."
"The true ending came with Garland and that sublime smile from Simonne's Dottie, whose good-natured cheer, all throughout, was touched with extraordinarily poised melancholy.”
“Inner Tube Monologues: ‘Going Underground'" – Mike Schultz, River City Reader
Theatrical Reviews