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Dost thou Shake?

(Shakespeare, that is.)

Well, I do! I'm gonna Shake all day every day until the week of Turkey Day. (Which, as a vegan, I should probably abstain from calling, but... it's just too true.)

I'm stoked to announce that I'm stepping up to bat as the Educational Touring Stage Manager for Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival with a regional touring production of Romeo & Juliet.

Baby's first tour!

This regional tour will span (not fair Verona, but) Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware from October 4th through November 17th.

I'm very excited to be working with this reputable theatre, and back on the production end of things. I'm also jazzed to be not only allowed, but mandated, to drive all over this beautiful region that stems from the Lehigh Valley - and is only a short bus ride away from my home sweet home, that big ol' Apple.

If you're curious about this tour, or any other productions and information on PSF, please check out the website here.

For now, I'm going to enjoy the work suite that this amazing company has me put up in and take a dip in that pool! And maybe watch some cable and order some Domino's before I rest up and jump into my tasks tomorrow.

So. Grateful.

See you on the road!


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